James Henry Lydick

ID Number: T01326

Biographical Data
Basic Identification

Gender: male

Ethnicity: European American

Immigration: no

Attributed Race: white

Free or Enslaved: free

Birth & Family

Birth Date: 1839/06/24

Birthplace: unknown

Mother: Mary J. Bailey Lydick

Father: William H. Lydick

1st Spouse: unknown

2nd Spouse: male

Age Details

Age: 43

Age Group: adult (20-59)

Life Details

Occupation(s): musician; bartender

Last Church: unknown

Military Service: veteran

Last Residence: Morehead City, North Carolina

Last Address:


Death Date: 1882/07/16

Death Note: none

Place of Death: Morehead City, North Carolina

Cause of Death: accidental fall

Burial & Undertaking

Burial Date: 1882/07/18

Funeral Home: Diuguid

Diuguid ID Number: D0830301

Indigent?: private interment

Gravesite and Grave Marker Data

Grave Marker or Marker Fragment: yes

Section: 202.T

Confirmation Source for Location: gravemarker

Grave Marker Erector(s): unknown

Confirmation Source for Interment: gravemarker

Others In Same Plot (T0041)
Full Name
Birth Date
Death Date
Eugene Morris Browne
Clifton Elmore Browne
Indeana Lydick
William Lydick
Mary J. Bailey Lydick
William H. Lydick
Elenor Katherine (Elener C.) Lydick
Obituary and Biographical Detials

From the Goldsboro (NC) Messenger, Thursday, 20 July 1882:

Mr. James H. Lydick, the bartender at Millers’ Club House, in Morehead City, was the victim of an accident, last Sunday night, which resulted in his death. It seems that during the night he fell from a landing at the top of a high flight of stairs, over the water, a distance of some forty feet, and in his fall struck a piece of projecting timber, which broke his ribs and forced them up in the lungs. He was found in that precarious condition some hours later. Medical aid was soon at hand, but nothing could be done for the unfortunate young man. His remains passed here Tuesday on the way to Lynchburg, Va., where he is well connected, and is a brother of Mrs. Engledove of that city.