
unknown Portegiso (Portegeso)

ID Number: T00213
Biographical Data
Basic Identification
Gender: unknown Ethnicity: unknown Immigration: unknown Attributed Race: black Free or Enslaved: free
Birth & Family
Birth Date: 00/00/00 Birthplace: unknown Mother: unknown Father: unknown 1st Spouse: unknown 2nd Spouse: unknown
Age Details
Age: unknown Age Group: unknown
Life Details
Occupation(s): unknown Last Church: unknown Military Service: none Last Residence: unknown Last Address:
Death Date: 1839/04/00 Death Note: none Place of Death: unknown Cause of Death: unknown
Burial & Undertaking
Burial Date: 1839/04/15 Funeral Home: Indigent?: unknown
Gravesite and Grave Marker Data
Grave Marker or Marker Fragment: none Section: unknown Confirmation Source for Location: Grave Marker Erector(s): unknown Confirmation Source for Interment: Diuguid records
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