Biographical Data
Basic Identification
Gender: male
Attributed Race: white
Free or Enslaved: free
Birth & Family
Birth Date: 1915/05/17
Birthplace: Lynchburg, Virginia
Mother: Agnes Rosenberger Kennedy
Father: unknown Kennedy
1st Spouse: Jessie Kendrick Kennedy (divorced)
2nd Spouse: none
Age Details
Age: 78
Age Group: elder adult (60+)
Life Details
Occupation(s): owner of Kennedy's Tile; salesman
Last Church: Holy Cross Catholic Church; Episcopal Church
Military Service:
Last Residence: Lynchburg, Virginia
Last Address:
Death Date: 1994/02/23
Death Note: none
Place of Death: home
Cause of Death: pneumonia
Burial & Undertaking
Burial Date: 2009/04/25
Funeral Home: Diuguid Rivermont Chapel
Indigent?: private interment
Gravesite and Grave Marker Data
Grave Marker or Marker Fragment: yes
Confirmation Source for Location: SMA
Grave Marker Erector(s): SMA
Confirmation Source for Interment: SMA
Ashes also scattered at William & Mary (Williamsburg) and Lynhaven (Virginia Beach)
Others In Same Plot (T0149)
Obituary and Biographical Detials
About Kennedy’s Tile Inc.:
When Joseph R. Kennedy returned home from World War II, his mother encouraged him to open a floor-covering specialty store. At the time, limited inventories of tile and linoleum were sold exclusively at furniture and department stores like Guggenheimers, where Joe’s mother Agnes Rosenberger Kennedy worked. The two agreed that there was an opportunity to compete by offering customers a greater selection and better service at an affordable price.